The first step is the hardest

I’ve been thinking lately about why some people are ready to make changes and some people aren’t. Even some people who think they are ready are resistant sometimes.

Our brains want to do what is easy. Makes sense.

There is also some comfort in doing things that are familiar. Even hard situations can be more comfortable than making the changes to get out of them.

I have a book recommendation that I feel really strongly about. It follows what my teaching philosophy is pretty well. It’s called, The Mountain is You by Brianna Wiest.

Here is an impactful paragraph from that book, “It is essential that you learn to take action before you feel like doing it. Taking action builds momentum and creates motivation. These feelings will not come to you spontaneously; you have to generate them. You have to inspire yourself, you have to move. You have to simply begin and allow your life and energy to reorient itself to prefer the behaviors that are going to move your life forward, not the ones that are keeping you held back.”

I find this so powerful.

So, as you take the time to consider what you want this year to look like, think about what you want to BE at the end of it.

Take the step that might feel scary.

Then, keep taking the next right step.

You will be so proud of what you have done by the end of 2025.

I’d love to hear what changes you want to make this year!


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